There are hundreds and hundreds of drills for golf that are available in golf magazines, on TV, and that instructors give but the fundamental insight when it comes to drills is that they are simply a scaffold for brain training. They serve an important role if applied in a manner that accesses and trains the neural systems that need addressing to improve one's game. However, all thoughts of drills must be forgotten once it is time to actually play.
To get the most from a drill, the key is to set the level of difficulty very carefully. While the mechanics of the drill may be no different for the novice as it is for the expert, every golfer along the ability spectrum must choose a measure of "success" that allows them to perform with a 40-60% success rate. This allows work in the dynamic range of ability, the golfer is able to see a good deal of success as well as improvement when there truly is improvement and not feel frustrated that "failure" is happening too often.
The drills contained in this section are a taste of the drills that can be used to train the various neural systems used in the golf shot and provide a way to adjust the level of difficulty for each golfer to find their sweet spot.
For those who want the services of a trained eye who has worked with collegiate golfers, Dr. Sangoram offers consultation on a limited basis. He feels that golfers are "over-coached" and his approach is more of teacher of neuroscientific principles to benefit the golfer's practice. At GoaLoGolf the goal is firmly to elicit the best golf from a golfer on gameday and our neuroscience-based methods are easily overlayed on a golfer's practice regimen. Contact us for more information and to schedule a complementary 1/2 hour evaluation.